Friday, January 9, 2009


In the course of my daily life I do a fair amount of online chatting whether it be at work talking to co-workers, at work talking to friends (thanks gmail!), or at home playing the game. Every now and again someone will say something that gets lost in translation across the ether. Recently it was this:

Cait: Going to go get a gorilla on (my hunter)
me: awesome :)
Cait: Just going to get a pink skinned one
people never have those, they get no love

I'm thinking to myself... haven't seen one of those before, let's check google to find out about it.

Image Search for Pink Gorilla


Why are there so many of these? Page after page of pink gorillas. Is there something I don't know about? Pink gorillas everywhere, haunting my dreams!

The internet can still surprise even the most desensitized of us now and then.

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