Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I forgot how much I love the gym!

Went to the gym last night for the first time in a long time (probably about 5 months!) and all I have to say is ... wow! I forgot how much I love the gym! Now, maybe it's the OSU gym that I love so much. There's 4 levels, hundreds of machines of all types, and lots of lovely ladies!

Going to the gym is great because there's always entertainment for when you are working out. The place is always teeming with life, and even though there are a lot of people there is always a machine you can use. There are two types of people at a college gym: those who are incredibly fit and those who are unhappy with their bodies. I guess that's kind of a cop out, but it's true when you look around the place. Also, it does remind me of my favorite nerdy joke:

There are 10 kinds of people in this world. Those who understand binary, and those that do not.

In any case, looking around while I'm at the gym (I can't find my mp3 player dang it!) gives me inspiration to keep it up. I could look like that guy, or be able to do the exercise that guy is doing, or have the confidence to ask out that girl. It's all great inspiration. Plus I just feel better being there. It's warm and cozy in there, and everyone is friendly. No one can be a grouch when they are working on their glutes! Or maybe they are just too tired to be grouchy, who knows!

Being at the gym really makes me into a butt man (dunna dunna dunna dunna butt man). I don't mean to be chauvinistic, but it's not my fault! The girls always wear those black workout pants that show off the nice butt they are trying to get rid of (Stop! Keep it please!). If they didn't want me to look they'd wear something more moderate, right? Right?!

Anyways, here's what I did:

20 minutes on stationary bike
20 minutes on elliptical machine (love EM, and I don't care who knows it!)
0.5 mile on treadmill (a weak spot for me still, wanted to get at least 1 mile in)
10 minutes (2000 meters) on the rowing machine

All in all, a pretty good first workout. I'm going again tonight because I feel great (not too sore at all- guess that means I should push a little harder). I feel like I could just stay at the gym for 4 hours at a time. It's just a good feeling being there! I forgot how much I love the gym!


Chris said...

Good for you. I could never get into the gym thing. If I'm going to be walking,running, jogging, I'd like a destination.

Hope you keep up it up! Work those glutes?

Pike said...

Woo! I've found the blogger formerly known as Laser Chicken! /wave

Hehe, I didn't know some of my own blog entries were kinda tempting. Honestly I won't be offended at all if you stopped reading my blog to avoid the "secondhand smoke" so to speak. It's for a good cause afterall! =D I'd link you to my "personal blog" to read instead, but honestly it's rather neglected and boring and most of the recent entries involve something along the lines of "This is how bad my allergies are lately: [insert unnecessary details here]"

Anyways I think it's great that you're working hard to get back in shape and stuff. It's something I could probably stand to do too; that and start eating better. I was telling my guildies the other day that breakfast is Dr. Pepper and a granola bar, lunch is a microwavable burrito, and dinner is Burger King or Arby's 5 days of the week. I blame my weird work schedule, oh and the fact that I'm lazy, I won't deny it. Needless to say I could really use some improvement in this area and I've been slowly trying to work on that.

Anyways I'm glad to see you're still writing because I love reading your stuff. I'll be keeping an eye on ya!

Dave said...

@chris - I don't like running on treadmills either, for the same reason. It's a pretty high-impact activity, and if I'm not going anywhere it's pretty easy to focus on that impact and quickly tire of it. Haha, I don't need to work MY glutes, I've still got residual glute left over from my days of squatting and various other lifting in high school. It's OTHER people's glutes I'm mostly interested in :)

@pike - OMG it's pike! /bearhug
At first I deleted AotH because it's mostly Warcraft related and I didn't want to tempt myself but then had a change of heart and added it back in. What can I say, I'm a sucker for nice people. Since quitting WoW, I've cut back drastically on the convenience food (fast food, bagged/fried stuff, pop, etc) and tried to pick up more perishable stuff (oranges, sprouts, lunchmeat, etc) to put in it's place. It's going to be a long process but you've got to start somewhere, right? The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step! It really helps to have good moral support like you guys, you all help me a lot, it's definitely appreciated! Of course if you ever need any motivation don't hesitate to ask :) Thanks for sticking it out with me!