Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fruit fruit, the magical fruit!

One of my bad habits during the workday is snacking. I buy health conscious snacks like pretzels and animal crackers, but far too often I find myself munching when I'm not actually hungry. So, to alleviate this problem, I've turned to my old friend, fruit.

Fruit is great because it's a big enough commitment that it will satisfy a small hunger, and a small enough commitment that you won't feel bad about your snack choice afterward. Plus, fruit is full of awesome vitamins! My bag of pretzels ended yesterday, and the animal crackers today - so from here on out, it's apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, tangerines, strawberries, cantaloupe, honeydew, grapes, and any other fruit I can get my hands on!

What salty or sweet snack could you replace with fruit? I'd suggest starting with bananas (it's the gateway to more hardcore fruits). Bananas are a great option because they are portable and don't make a mess when you eat them. However, make sure you buy them often instead of in bulk (they brown in 3-4 days). Here's to feeling great and making small positive changes! Here's to fruit!